The LP is back Oct. 02, 2004
外交部長陳唐山因為一句台灣俗話「Puo Lan Pa」,被媒體叮得滿頭包。這本來跟華語」拍馬屁「一樣,無所謂粗俗的問題。不信的話問我台南幫的同學,誰不曾將這話掛在嘴上?客氣的話就只說:Puo而已。
Singapores' kissing Chinese ass,卻要Taiwanese變成brownnoser。真無天理。報上以LP代替Lan Pa,政客們更以語言風暴加以橫掃。有Little Prince, Lousy President, Lousy Party等等。
在我這音響迷來說,LP是清楚不過的了。LP是Long Play膠片唱盤。這在50年前就用了,只是沒註冊吧了。不信請看:
英國佬Mr. Morgan Jones是這樣說的:
Note for the CD generation: Pick-up arms are exquisitely engineered mechanical contrivances that support a lump of rock on the end of a scaffold pole being scraped by the wiggly groove in a 300mm (flattish) vinyl disc known as an LP. The resulting sound is often very good.