2010年11月16日 星期二












Mozart violin concert no. 3樂團的編制很小,法國號只有兩支。

Bruch violin concerto no. 1之後的Encore獨奏曲,有點感傷的味道,但不知何名。

下半場Brahms symphony no. 1是台北市立交響樂團的大編制,中規中矩,出乎意料的好。特別是敲打kettle drum定音鼓那位<少年仔>,表現出色,給了Brahms這支交響曲的靈魂。


DeWen說我的感受,他說對面靠大提琴的包廂座可能更好。應該是吧,面對中、小提琴手,靠近Oboe, Clarinet,高音還會更清楚。

Shlomo Mintz was born on October 30, 1957 in Moscow. In 1959, at the age of two Shlomo Mintz emigrated with his family from Moscow to Israel, where he studied with the renowned Ilona Feher, one of the last representatives of the Central European Violin School. Feher introduced Shlomo Mintz to Isaac Stern, who became his mentor. He was also a student of Dorothy Delay in New York.

2010年11月6日 星期六


電吉他,又稱為電子吉他,屬樂器的一種。發聲原理與傳統吉他不 同,不是以箱體的的振動發聲,而是運用了電磁學原理,它的琴身是實體的木頭而非空的音箱。在琴身上裝有線圈。它們被稱做拾音器。當吉他弦振動時,切割了拾音器的磁感線,從而使琴身中的導線中產生不同頻率的電流,當這些電流通過電子音箱 還原時,就成了電吉他的聲音。

因為它不是原聲樂器而是以電流發聲的,所以一些電子儀器被製造出來通過改變,添加電 流等方法來改變電吉他的聲音。這些儀器被稱做效果器

An electric guitar is a guitar that uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to convert vibrations of its metal strings into electric signals. Since the generated signal is too weak to drive a loudspeaker, it is amplified before sending it to a loudspeaker. Since the output of an electric guitar is an electric signal, the signal may easily be altered using electronic circuits to add color to the sound. Often the signal is modified using effects such as reverb and distortion. Arguably, no other musical instrument has had more of an impact on how music has evolved since the beginning of the twentieth century than the electric guitar. Conceived in 1931, the electric guitar became a necessity as jazz musicians sought to amplify their sound. Since then, it has evolved into a stringed musical instrument capable of a multitude of sounds and styles. It served as a major component in the development of rock and roll and countless other genres of music.

(錄自 維基百科)

第一次有幸看到電子吉他是上個月在印尼 巴哩島Bali 這家美國導向的 Hard Rock Hotel.

迎賓大廳有個大表演台兼酒吧,Rock and Roll 震天價響,彩色燈光明明滅滅,迎合美國佬的口味。


