我試著對照下面的黑白片,要找出上面彩色照誰是誰who is who?
Mccartney 是左一?
Starr看不清楚,剩下的右一給您了。From Wikipedia (left to right )
Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon
約翰·藍儂(John Lennon)
保羅·麥卡里(Paul McCartney)
喬治·哈里森(George Harrison)
林格·史塔(Ringo Starr)
披頭四樂團(英文:The Beatles,Beatles的意思是「甲蟲」,所以又譯「金龜樂團」)來自英國利物浦的著名四人搖滾樂團組合。他們在1962年與EMI百代唱片公司簽約錄製唱片。1963年初,單曲唱片《Please Please Me》登上英國排行榜首位。1964年,披頭四首次前往美國演出。1966年在東京的日本武道館舉行了大規模的音樂會,1966年8月29日晚在舊金山舉行最後一場收費現場音樂會。1970年4月10日,保羅·麥卡里個人專輯中的話被媒體視為宣佈樂團解散,1970年12月31日,保羅正式起訴樂團其他三位成員,要求結束樂團合作並指明管理並分配樂團財產的正式人選。
The Beatles were a pop and rock group from Liverpool, England. They are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music.[2] The band's principal members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.
In the United Kingdom, The Beatles released more than 40 different singles, albums, and EPs that reached number one. This commercial success was repeated in many other countries; their record company, EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion records worldwide.[3] The Beatles are the best-selling musical act of all time in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Association of America.[4]
In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked The Beatles #1 on its list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.[5] According to that same magazine, their innovative music and cultural impact helped define the 1960s[2] and their influence on pop culture is still evident today.
The Beatles led the mid-1960s musical "British Invasion" into the United States. Although their initial musical style was rooted in 1950s rock and roll and homegrown skiffle, the group explored genres ranging from Tin Pan Alley to psychedelic rock. Their clothes, styles, and statements made them trend-setters, while their growing social awareness saw their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s.
以上抄自Wikipedia危機百科 中、英文版。
我從來不是流行歌迷,更不是Beatle 披頭 s 四的fan粉絲,天生對pop rock音樂有抗體,染不上披頭熱。
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, ---
--- Why she had to go I don't know,--
Now I need a place to hide away, Oh I believe in yesterday
下面這一張,留在Los Altos Hills沒有拿回來。
放一遍,也只聽出 Hey Jude,而且印象深刻
Lalalala, la la 個不停
McCartney, Harrison, Lennon, Starr一字排開,貌合神離?
Starr, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison 對嗎?
還是Stein亂點,對Beatles fan說聲道歉,並請更正為盼。
整體來說,除了Yesterday跟Hey Jude兩首歌之外,其他的歌,右耳進、左耳出,無障礙的通過,沒有留下來半點印象。
承蒙 網友Ymh66指出:
<我不是 披頭粉絲, 沒記錯的話:
最左邊矮個頭的是 Starr, 左二高坐的娃娃臉是 McCartney,
撐坐的帶帽子的大鬍子是 Lennon,
最右邊站著的是 Harrison>
那張蘋果圖形的 LP 很珍貴喔 !<br>據說 賈伯斯 ( iPod 蘋果公司的大老闆 )就是很喜歡這張唱片,<br>才會用 "蘋果" 當 Apple Computer 公司的 Logo.<br>後來因為 "蘋果 Logo" 常被消費者誤認為蕃茄, 所以才會再加上被 "咬一口" 的形狀.<br><br>