2011年10月1日 星期六

Reunion 2012

May I visit you on October 12 afternoon around 2 o'clock in your office?
The major purpose of this trip is to bring back the banner.
Best regards,

Hi all,

I remember that we talked about a possible cruise, and took it upon myself to check out some 7-day cruises on the Internet (http://www.travelocity.com/ Cruises), and listed below.  The cruise fare does not include taxes and fees, which could amount to $100 & up, it also does not include tips, probably $10 per day per person.  Of course, airfare and land tours are not included either.  Due to safety issues, the Mexican cruises are excluded.

 Hawaii, $1050 & up, Honolulu – Kahului (Maui) – Hilo – Kailua/Kona (Big Island) – Nawiliwili (Kauai) – Honolulu.

 Pacific Coast, $800 and up, Vancouver, British Columbia - Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada - Victoria, British Columbia - San Francisco, California - San Diego, California - Los Angeles, California.

Canada/New England, $410 & up, New York – Boston - Portland (Maine) – Saint John (New Brunswick) – Halifax (Nova Scotia) – New York.

 Canada/New England, $590 & up, Boston, Massachusetts - Portland, Maine - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island - Gaspe, Quebec, Canada - La Baie - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

 Canada/New England, $650 & up, Boston, Massachusetts - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada - Bar Harbor, Maine; Portland, Maine - Boston, Massachusetts.

 Eastern Caribbean, $490 & up, Miami, Florida - Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI – Antigua - Tortola, BVI - Nassau, Bahamas - Miami, Florida.

Yes, I have been on an European river cruise before.  They are more expensive, probably $2500 and up, and of course, there is the airfare to Europe.

If I remember well, we talked about New-England cruise, for Reunion-2012, to enjoy the colorful maple leaves at beginning of Fall. Does anybody second me?

Hi Everyone:
I am in no position to suggest anything on this next re-union since I can not attend it anyway. But I would like to second Rubie's motion of a East Coast-Canada cruise during the fall color season.
I did remember that J  and T volunteered to be the organizer. Then they gave it up due to their health situation. Then whom we voted to be the organizer for this next one I do not remember.
Sh's suggestion of a cruise is the best way to hold a reunion for our ages:  On one spot, the room and board are all solved. If the cruise is around the USA, it is the best deal, since the economic recession in on going.
One more thing, the date should be decided by the organizer to accommodate most folks. There is no way it can satisfy everyone.
Ka and I wish everyone has a wonderful time during the re-union. Please keep us posted and send us the digital photos and reports.
Take care and keep the good health.
Fr and Ka

Hi all:

If the reunion take a cruise pass by Saint John, New Brunswick, I can wait you there and can make all your local arrangement for the local issues.

Best regards


That college has the policy: 50th is the last one. Shall we have the same policy?  Every body will be over 75 very soon.


Hi, all:
Policy is not the problem.
If College has the policy: 50th is the last one
then University has the privilege to extend for another one, at least.

Hi, Dear classmate,
I second R.We should have reunion for as long as people can join. I
think Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada is good.

老嫗本已噤聲、無語,但墮落在 '江山易改 本性難移' 的劣根性中,禁不住又多嘴。老同學,請多包涵。
萬幸 NTU ChE'60班
無規章明定班聚該止於何年,所以老嫗仍能期盼再多次的班聚。 雖說同窗情誼不會因時空阻隔而黯然褪失, 且可利用書訊或電話彼此聯繫;但大夥共聚的歡愉,又豈是紙筆、 電話線或鍵盤能傳遞上的?
更何況早已年屆古稀,誰能預知本老嫗尚能守望塵世若干晨昏? 因此之故,只需精力許可,老嫗不會猶疑,必將設法參加斑聚; 除了添加一份快樂的回憶,又有心露面於老同學們前, 俾使各位看看、我還存活得好好的。
一週後將有跨越50th Reunion的 台北Mini-Reunion及Super-Mini- Reunion,敬祝各位盡情歡聚。
R  上

欲知後續如何, 請聽下回分解。

事有轉機,傾聽16 Oct 2012分解:

15 Oct 2012
記得我們去年在台北聚餐時,同學們(不知幾位?) 說以後這樣聚會就好,不必開大同學會。現在S、RF等似乎對旅遊同學會有興趣,我則兩方面都可。
Stein、R、S,你們十月聚會時可否再和同學們溝通一下? 如有興趣的話,請大略估定人數、日期、地點等, 現在旅行社很能幹,辦事同學該不會太累。 說不定我能鼓動Madame Chiang  做康樂股長。 我中學同學去年去了歐洲的多腦河之遊,說非常輕鬆愉快, 上網資料如下,不知你們意見如何?

Viking River

16 Oct 2012
Hi Everyone:
Thanks for Stein's information storage and retrieval. At that time K and I sent our best wishes to you all to enjoy such a cruise re-union.
Now K was gone and it did show that any delay could cause irreversible regret. Like it or not, Nobody can predict what could happen next year or the year after that?
I would like to second the motion to have a cruise trip together in 2013. Due to the economic recession, cruise trips around USA is the best value you can expect.
I like the US cruise trips best because they provides the best on board health and medical attention. With our aging status, we must take this into our planning. 

2012/11/4 mail from G

經過好些同學的鼓舞, 我們明年七月將舉行經歐州七個國家多惱河船遊的歡樂同學會, 根據去過的友人說,這個旅遊非常悠閒、高雅、愉快, 現在細節如下,希望大家攜親友踴躍參加、共襄盛舉,河船艙位不多 ,請儘快直接向遊船公司代理人Mike Reed付定金報名。人多不僅熱鬧好玩,可一起慶祝金婚( 五十週年)大壽(已七十五了),歡聚述舊, 還可有團體優待做我們的補助。現在我們已有以下同學決定前往:



25. 03. 2013 from Su


09 April 2013
Stein mail to


兩週前,Su 宣布退出的同時,我原本想要 順水推舟,加碼跟進,奈何硬不下心腸,拖延到現在,
最後關頭才說出口,前日向 "上頭" 二包  mail 報備(見下文)。

這中間要是 有 "知情不報" 或  "私自隱瞞" 也是不得不然,希望 給各位添加的傷害、麻煩 能夠減低一些。

現在要 懇請  "統包"   就近電話 "蕃大旗" ,取消我家的4位河遊。
我明天隨後補一mail,用破英文 正式通知 Mr. Reed Mike (擬稿如下小紅字)

既便是 無功而返, 我還是很感謝 Lo兄的努力邀約 J兄。
我也 邀約過 ----------------。

還是佩服 M 有先見之明,畢業"50而斬",7月偕同夫婿到 地中海 二度蜜月去。

想到這裡,再複習一下 我部落格上的紀錄,也就寬心不少,破涕微笑了。

Reunion 2012 始末


又及:千萬不要打長途電話來,拷問"愚夫鬱婦",於事無補, 徒增煩惱。
You are warned.

Dear Mr. Reed Michael:

Much to my regret, four members of family

This is due to unexpected difficulty within my family.

Please confirm your receipt of this cancellation.

Sorry for the trouble caused.

Best regards,

2013/4/7 stein hsu <stein.hsu@gmail.com>

希望 您們 背痛,腳酸等等毛病 快快好起來。

開春以來,諸事不順,菊說要 退出河遊,閉戶不出。

我给 正回電時,也說,她不去,我也不去,文、美 也沒有伴同一遊的必要了。

這次河遊, G要是"統包"的話,正就算是 "二包",我是 "小三包"了。
二包三包 招來的6位 全跑了,江山去掉一大半,只好建議 同學會改成"金婚"蜜月了。

我不知道要如何向  4位 啟口。

4月22日之後,5月20日之前,取消的話,就不只usd 500一人,而是開罰 40%、4位將近usd 5,000喔。

長痛不如短痛,看來我還是明後天煩請 G打退堂鼓,必要時我正式通知 "翻大旗" 消訂4位。

我怕有人會叫聲 "Giss我也",有人會想  "K死"我。


