We had earthquake this morning Richter-scale 6.4 in Kaohsiung, near Tainan.
You can do nothing on such natural disaster except to seal the mouths of these furious tigers.
The question is : Who will do it?
I either hooked the tiger or stitched her mouth.
Hope it will help.
Any suggested option?

The lantern show, as part of festival of lanterns; started yesterday evening at Taipei city.
We had the chance to tour in the crowded Ren-I road, along the section no. 4 which stretchs for more than 1000 meters long.
Here are some pictures I took on the first day. The show will be ended within 2 weeks.
The strung islands dividing the road into 4 tracks are fully decorated with lights.
The lights are not neon lights but the high tech LED threaded ones.
Canada, maple
Greece, olive
Holland, tulip, windmill
Japan, cherry, castle, Fuji mountain
South Korea, rose of Sharon
USA, rose
Palau 帛琉 , but not Bangladash as corrected by my grandson, at age of 8
What means by POWER IN ME as it is shown at the end of road leading to Taipei city halls ?
POWER is well known to me in electricity, but to whom the ME is referring is difficult to my understanding.
Perhaps this is a kind of puzzles waiting for cracking, but in a new fashion.
In traditional festival of lanterns, another activity is the so called 燈謎 lantern puzzles, literally translated, or called射虎hunting tigers. The puzzles are usually written on a piece of paper and hung below the candle-lighted lanterns. One who cracked the puzzle will receive a small prize as fun.
The lantern show is holding in the open ground which occupies a complete block between two main roads, with a huge building Dr. Sun Yet-Sen Memorial Hall in the field.
Standing at both sides of the entrance are this 4-meters high lantern of India shown above.
In front of the hall stands another not so elegant one offered by city Mayor.
Macau are taking the advantage to promote their sight-seeing or gambling. It is a model of two stories high.
Two drumming tigers are working hard in collecting money and in-feeding treasures as the composite character posted in between shown.
This flying tiger looks furious when the mouth is open and teeth exposed.
According to tradition, the tiger of lantern shall keep mouth closed otherwise some kind of disaster is inevitable. Although the expert warned in advance some days ago after finding this mistake done by modern artist, it is never taken into account, but considered as superstition.
I like this smiling tiger with orchid flowers.
All such lanterns are constructed on a plate form with the figures higher than one meter up to several meters.
All of them are sponsored by some private enterprises or schools.
My grandson is Spongebob fan海綿寶寶迷.
I have no idea what these figures actually are playing, but it looks that bob is in anger.
A woman vendor was selling the balloons with different figures.
My grandson had two balloons, in figures of bob and star-fish with big belly.
We enjoyed this festival .