2012年9月29日 星期六




補上一張 1986年,還沒有被拆除之前,從和平東路 師專大門拍的照片。

這是我用C330相機自拍自沖,6 x 6  ILFORD 負片,在數位化的。

這是用 Leica R4 相機  135負片拍的。

要是 Download下來,看看細節,就知道 大底片的好處了。



1895 日清簽訂馬關條約
1896 台灣總督府 國語學校
1920 台灣總督府 台北師範學校
1927 台灣總督府 台北第二師範學校
1945 台灣省立 台北師範學校
1961  台灣省立 台北師範專科學校
1987 台灣省立 台北師範學院
1991 國立 台北師範學院
2005 國立 台北教育大學


228事件 在嘉義圓環被中國匪槍殺的
畫家 陳澄波 先生

2012年9月20日 星期四

Grid leak bias

上圖是 grid leak bias。
日本達人 黑川達夫書上整理 bias常見的 "固定fixed", "自立self-bias"之外的第3種方式。

註明工作偏壓,約在 - 0.5 V,   grid leak current 在 0.3  micro-A

1954年Philips的 EF40  data建議的工作條件也有提到,去掉陰極電阻1-2.2k,柵漏電阻 1M 提高到 10 M
由自立偏壓方式,轉變到grid leak bias的方式。

要瞭解 grid leak bias,需要細讀開頭貼的 Langford Handbook原文說明。


或許 自立偏壓 的特別例子 Rk歸零之後,看Rg設定的高低,

設到 3M以上,就成了 grid  leak   bias了。


2012年9月14日 星期五


自由評論 2012.09.15



馬 力要在馬兒奔跑時才會顯露出來。在二○○八年之前,馬英九只是被包裝在玻璃花紙裡寵物般的存在。把貪腐倒在民進黨和阿扁身上,讓台灣人民忽視了改變中國國 民黨執政的政治新氣象:自由化、本土化及延伸的發展價值,這延續自李登輝時代的建樹。中國國民黨和馬英九對李登輝也有怨氣,一股勁都朝阿扁身上丟擲。


其 實,中國國民黨是心虛的。在它的黨國體制裡,比起阿扁和民進黨不堪聞問多了。從專制獨裁走向全面公職選舉,金錢政治的問題性,誰不知道?但這就是民進黨和 其他非中國國民黨政治人物的陷阱。阿扁也在陷阱裡,甚至以清廉標榜的馬英九,或許二○○八年可以依賴空口宣傳。二○一二年,花了多少錢選總統?除了不義黨 產挹注,錢又從哪來?他不知道嗎?難道馬下台後,也要在牢裡過餘生?





2012年9月6日 星期四

American Bomber

這本小冊子 100*150mm (4*6英吋),是在 名古屋  候機時,順手買回來的。

日本卑鄙小人 偷襲 珍珠港,在後院放一把火,老美也就傾全力報仇了。

老美說:除了 奈良、京都 給我留著,老子想看就看之外,都一律給我轟平炸光。

連不在本土的台灣島民 也遭殃了

最厲害的是這種 分裂散佈方式的 凝膠汽油 燒夷彈,火一發,不可收拾。


Frank 轉來下面貼的 "B-17 in 1943" 的傳奇故事。


只要著上 橄欖綠色 ,就還原了我67年前碰過的那一隻掉在蕃薯田的”美國盟機”了。


正確的叫法是”美國敵機,當時我還是 高村家 日本皇民的一員。












先父當時是鹽水公所的 街”助役”,日本街長的助理。

曾聽到 街長看到飛機的油漆這麼講究,機體這麼龐大,喃喃自語說:阿,輸定了。




B-17  in 1943
A mid-air collision on February 1, 1943, between a B-17 and  a German fighter over the Tunis dock area, became the subject of one  of the most famous photographs of World War II. An enemy fighter  attacking a 97th Bomb Group formation went out of control, probably  with a wounded pilot then continued its crashing descent into the rear  of the fuselage of a Fortress named All American, piloted by Lt.  Kendrick R. Bragg, of the 414th Bomb Squadron. When it struck, the  fighter broke apart, but left some pieces in the B-17. The left  horizontal stabilizer of the Fortress and left elevator were  completely torn away. The two right engines were out and one on the  left had a serious oil pump leak. The vertical fin and the rudder had  been damaged, the fuselage had been cut almost completely through  connected only at two small parts of the frame and the radios,  electrical and oxygen systems were damaged. There was also a hole in  the top that was over 16 feet long and 4
feet wide at its widest  and the split in the fuselage went all the way to the top gunners  turret.
Although the tail actually bounced and swayed in the wind  and twisted when the plane turned and all the control cables were  severed, except one single elevator cable still worked, and the  aircraft still flew - miraculously! The tail gunner was trapped  because there was no floor connecting the tail to the rest of the  plane. The waist and tail gunners used parts of the German fighter and  their own parachute harnesses in an attempt to keep the tail from  ripping off and the two sides of the fuselage from splitting apart.  While the crew was trying to keep the bomber from coming apart, the  pilot continued on his bomb run and released his bombs over the  target.

When the bomb bay doors were opened, the wind  turbulence was so great that it blew one of the waist gunners into the  broken tail section. It took several minutes and four crew members to  pass him ropes from parachutes and haul him back into the forward part  of the plane. When they tried to do the same for the tail gunner, the  tail began flapping so hard that it began to break off. The weight of  the gunner was adding some stability to the tail section, so he went  back to his position.

The turn back toward England had to be  very slow to keep the tail from twisting off. They actually covered  almost 70 miles to make the turn home. The bomber was so badly damaged  that it was losing altitude and speed and was soon alone in the sky.  For a brief time, two more Me-109 German fighters attacked the All  American. Despite the extensive damage, all of the machine gunners  were able to respond to these attacks and soon drove off the fighters.  The two waist gunners stood up with their heads sticking out through  the hole in the top of the fuselage to aim and fire their machine  guns. The tail gunner had to shoot in short bursts because the recoil  was actually causing the plane to turn. 

Allied P-51 fighters  intercepted the All American as it crossed over the Channel and took  one of the pictures shown. They also radioed to the base describing  that the empennage was waving like a fish tail and that the plane  would not make it and to send out boats to rescue the crew when they  bailed out. The fighters stayed with the Fortress taking hand signals  from Lt. Bragg and relaying them to the base. Lt. Bragg signaled that  5 parachutes and the spare had been "used" so five of the crew could  not bail out. He made the decision that if they could not bail out  safely, then he would stay with the plane and land it. 

Two and  a half hours after being hit, the aircraft made its final turn to line  up with the runway while it was still over 40 miles away. It descended  into an emergency landing and a normal roll-out on its landing gear.  

When the ambulance pulled alongside, it was waved off because  not a single member of the crew had been injured. No one could believe  that the aircraft could still fly in such a condition. The Fortress  sat placidly until the crew all exited through the door in the  fuselage and the tail gunner had climbed down a ladder, at which time  the entire rear section of the aircraft collapsed onto the ground. The  rugged old bird had done its  job.

2012年9月5日 星期三

FET-5687 Ear-amp

這DIY的耳機擴大器 2007年做好的線路跟測試值是這樣的。



David常用 iPod 接聽音樂

把 2007年DIY給他的 5687 Earphone Amplifier 寄回來整修。

這機子後來David 請 Colin兄加裝 FET,還換上大的output Transformer.

這次是把有雜音的 MIT 音量 雙連 Potentiometer換上 左右分開的Cosmos Pot



 3.5 mm 母插轉 RCA 母插


 只有一支 5687    另一支是空插座 假的

換上的OPT大小跟原來 Hammond 600R/8R  N=8.7    體積57mm*25mm  一樣大小。

圈數比不明。可能是 1400T*2    比 190T、N=14.7




機子沒有 Choke 只有鋁罐電容濾波,串接4組 RC.

最後端是Xicon 100 uF


可能是opt 距離 power transformer 超過 150 mm有關吧。




2012年9月3日 星期一


某年某日參加旅行團,放封一小時,參觀杜邦家的後花園。 看完左手邊的熱帶花園,讚美有加。


只好跟那不知道叫什麼的怪樹,揮揮手,說: 後會有期

這樹對我來說 是少見多怪                                  
