2011年2月26日 星期六



The KMT's original sin

Feb 22nd 2011, 11:49 by Banyan

FOR a foreigner, it is a moving exhibition about a little-known and terrible episode in Taiwan』s history. The 「228 memorial museum」, reopened on February 20th by President Ma Ying-jeou in a 「peace park」 within view of his presidential palace, is sombre but informative

There are mugshots of the victims of a massacre; long lists of their names; painful eyewitness testimony; contemporary photographs and clothes; a painting of blindfolded, bound men being executed. The slaughter was, according to one exhibit, 「a Formosan holocaust that left an indelible scar」. 

The museum recalls the carnage on the island in 1947. After half a century as a Japanese colony, Taiwan had been handed back to China at the end of the second world war. Its inhabitants found the incoming Chinese administration, under the governor, Chen Yi, even more corrupt and cruel than the Japanese. A classic 1965 book, "Formosa Betrayed" in which George Kerr, an American diplomat and eyewitness, recalled the massacre is now available in full online.

On February 27th 1947 a woman selling contraband cigarettes was brutally attacked by agents from the Alcohol and Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. The next day, protests against her treatment spread into an island-wide insurrection, which succeeded in gaining administrative control of parts of it. It was suppressed by Chinese troops at a cost in human lives that is still disputed—but in the tens of thousands (10,000-30,000). One exhibit describes the behaviour of soldiers and police as 「illegal, disorderly and outrageous」.

Martial law was declared by the authorities from the then-ruling Nationalist party or Kuomintang (KMT). Reimposed in 1949, it was not to be lifted until 1987, maintained, in theory, to defend Taiwan against the threat of invasion by the Communists on the mainland.

「228」 became unmentionable. After all, the KMT remained in power, and Taiwan's politics were dominated by the mainland-China born elite who had fled the Communist victory at the end of the Chinese civil war in the late 1940s. Many of the Taiwan-born majority felt oppressed. Their own post-war struggle for liberation from the dictatorship that Chiang Kai-shek brought to the island was belittled and ignored. 

As Taiwan embraced democracy in the late 1980s and 90s, the past was disinterred. In 1995, Taiwan's president at the time, Lee Teng-hui of the KMT—a Taiwanese rather than a mainlander—apologised for the atrocity, and the memorial museum was opened in 1997. Then, from 2000-08, Taiwan had a president from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which draws on Taiwanese-nationalist sentiment. The DPP have always denied that Taiwan is part of China, arguing that it is, and should be, independent. The 228 massacre was central to their argument that Taiwan is a separate country, and that the idea of unification with China had been imposed, viciously, by Chinese troops.

So when the KMT ousted the DPP in the 2008 presidential elections and later closed the memorial museum 「for renovation」, it was easy to assume that it would never reopen. But now it has. The DPP are predictably scathing about the changes the government has made, arguing that the exhibition sanitises the past, minimises the KMT』s guilt, and portrays a righteous popular uprising as mob violence.

I never saw the earlier exhibition, but it is hard to see this one as a whitewash. Rather, it seems a rare and commendable example of a country confronting the most painful episode in its past and admitting the scars it has left. For anyone who has spent time on the mainland, the contrast is stark.

Perhaps just as impressive was the treatment of a lone protester outside the museum when I visited. A young official from the city government suggested he take his protest elsewhere. Patiently and courteously, she reasoned with him longer than I had the patience or courtesy to wait.

2011年2月24日 星期四


紐西蘭地震 記       by Stein    Feb 2011



50年前有一部好萊塢黑白片,不知 道英文原名叫甚麼,台灣上演時 取名


衝著 「地震」兩個 字,我在它第二輪上演時,在台北 大同戲院 看過。


男主角 好像是 「埃 洛佛林」(還是不知道 他的英文名,可見我是很少看電影的)。

他在歐洲本土,械鬥時殺了情敵,亡命 紐西蘭。


好像 主角還是一副聽天由命,蠻不在乎的樣子。



電影 紐西蘭地震記Green Dolphin Street, Van Heflin

台北 唸書,很少上 西門町 看一 流電影,就算不買黃牛票也負擔不起。
單槍匹馬遠征 大同區 的二流小電影院 划算。
不用人擠人、買後座票坐 皇帝位,有時候一票看兩部片子。



「紐西蘭地震記」,在當年是十大賣 座片之一,曾提名四項奧斯卡



影片名原為"Green Dolphin Street"(綠色海豚街), 維克多‧薩維爾導演,

金髮性感巨星拉娜透納、金獎性格巨 星范海弗林、唐那麗、李察哈特

主演。劇本為公開徵選而來,充滿 珍·奧斯汀的風格,以及宗教

(天主教)的 氣氛。



由於地震特效所費甚鉅,「紐西蘭地 震記」總共花了400萬美元,

194711月上 映時,票房鼎盛,總共賺進440萬美元。

因特效表現不錯,終於抱回一座金像 獎,拉娜透納的演技自然


2011年2月20日 星期日

cascode 5687 Power Amp (2)

Out-Pput Ttransformer OPT 用 初級 5000 次級 8,圈數比=5000/8 開方= 25 , 電壓放大倍數 Voltage Gain V.G. = 1/25= 0.04。

因此給於上管 V2的負載是 介於 5000r=5k (喇叭標定值8r @ 400-1000 Hz 時) 到 32,000r= 32k (喇叭標定值 32r @ 20,000 Hz 時)

上管 V2工作電壓 215 V 乘以屏電流 20 mA = 4.3 W, 因為 另一屏給於下管 V1 = 80 V*10 mA =0.8 W, 合計 4.3+0.8= 5.1 W 熱耗。對照廠家 Tung-Sol 規定 4.2 W單屏,7.5 W雙屏合計的限制值, 5.1 W 的熱耗,一支 5687應該可以承受。

因為B+直流高壓供電希望 在 300 V以下, V1 工作電壓低到 80 V。

如果V1單屏 20 mA 的話,偏壓只在 1.6 V, 大訊號時,可能工作超過 class A1, 當偏壓擺幅 到正值時,有柵電流,成 class A2 給於前級負擔 或 造成失真。

現在並用雙屏,工作偏壓下探到2.6 V, 可以安心。


上管 V2工作電壓 215 V, 屏電流 20 mA標定在 Tung-Sol公佈的 5687WA特性曲線,下圖的P2點上。

他的負載5k 及 32k分別以紅色/深藍色 及 粉紅色/淡藍色 劃上去。

例如 5k:

20 mA*5k=100 V

215 V+100 V=315 V

把 P2點連上 315 V-0 mA的 深藍色是一半的負載線,延伸上去的紅色線是另一半負載線,註明 5k。 

可見 32k負載線比5k 的負載線較為水平,上、下兩半偏壓擺幅造成屏壓 plate volts變化平均,失真少。失真在這裡造成 harmonic distortion,例如 400 Hz基本頻率,多出來 2*400=800 Hz 的 1%失真。

訊源的高頻一般擺幅小,因此 32r 高頻負載線在V2管意義不大,計算功率輸出時,不看可也。

每聲道可望有 1 W輸出功率。


他頭頂上的負載是 "活動的active",看來是串聯 OPT 5k  跟 v2管的內阻2.3k,但是因為V2管的放大作用,阻抗需要除予(u+1),  u=17, 因此只得到 (5+2.3)/(17+1)= 0.41k, 只有V1管內阻0.5*2k=1k 的的40%。

要在圖上標定的 P1劃負載線時,因為併聯2屏,要當做2*0.41k=0.82K.

即便是這樣併聯雙屏,得到的V.G.也不過個位數 5,畫出來的紅色/深藍色負載線很陡。


V1 V2相乘的結果是 失真度 雪上加霜。

上管 V2的回路是所謂的"共柵極"。

柵極工作電位 由Rg-upper 跟 Rg-lower分壓取得 (83 - 9 )=74 V.

柵極透過電容Cg=0.22uF, Rg-lowerl= 330k, 對於 1/2-pie*0.22uF*330K= 2 Hz以上的交流訊號是接地/共地的。

當有輸入訊號時,V1柵極偏壓 正向 紅色線擺幅引起屏極 負向 5倍的擺幅。

因為V2陰極直結V1屏極,同樣是引起 負向 5倍的擺幅,等同於V2柵極對於V2本身陰極有了 正向 5倍的擺幅,也就是圖上,一樣做紅色線的 同向擺幅。

上管 V2工作偏壓是 - 9 V,V1放大倍數是 5,因此 V1輸入訊號強度靠前級的音量控制在

+/- 9 V/5=+/- 1.8 v

1.8 V/1.4= 1.28 V-rms 之內,採能維持 Class-A1的條件。

當時輸出功率是 1.1 W, 因此輸入靈敏度是:

每輸出1 W, 需要 1.28 V-rms/1.1 W= 1.16 V-rms的輸入訊號強度。

不算靈敏,但直接CD-player 或電腦 也夠了。

喇叭阻抗相當 8r/32r的 中頻/高頻 total V.G.整體放大倍數, 8r是 5.9倍,32r是 2.4倍,會有5.9/2.4= 2.5倍的補償, 相當8 db的差別,是聽得出來的




代價是多一支管、B+高20 V、靈敏度下降、一次諧波增加。


參考的Colin 5687直交線路如下:





2011年2月4日 星期五

cascode 5687 Power Amp (1)

V1改用 417A可以改善輸入靈敏度

春節放假,無路可走,在家 當老宅男。為免老痴,操腦一番。

Power  amplifier出力測定是拿 8 Ohm電阻,替代 喇叭當負載。

實際上喇叭的阻抗,相當於測定電阻的R,不是固定在 8 Ohms,一般自 2000 Hz 直線上升,20,000 Hz可能到 32 Ohms,  有4倍之多。
意即 需要有 2倍的電壓E,才能有同樣的出力P。

標稱 初級 5k-次級 8的輸出變壓器 OutPut Transformer (OPT)反應到初級的負載阻抗,可以是 5K,也 可以是20K,端視喇叭反應頻率時候的 阻抗是 8 或者是 32 Ohm而定。

為了取最大的出力,OPT 的 初級 Rl一般取 出力管輸出內阻 rp 的兩倍。即是Rl= 2*rp

在這個條件 Rl= 2*rp 之下,最終功率管給於OPT的電壓放大倍數,以簡單的公式:
(Amplificaton factor) u* Rl/(Rl+rp)計算,
當 8 Ohms時,  u*2rp/(2+1)rp=2u/3= 0.666u
當 32 Ohms時,  u*4*2rp/(4*2+1)rp=8u/9= 0.888u,雖然提高了0.888/0.666= 1.335倍,但是照
P=E*E/R = 1.333*1.333/4=0.445 = ~45%
20000 Hz頻率時, 只有取得 8 Ohms-200-1000 Hz頻率 的 45%
意即 高頻衰減一半以上。
想要保持一樣 ,放大倍數=2, 功率100%,只有當 Rl=0.5rp才可能,其他Rl/rp比越大,越不利。
當Rl/rp=5 時候, P=1.14*1.14/4=0.326= 33%,高頻20000Hz衰減3分之2。


阿公時代的嫁妝電唱機配有高低 音轉鈕,讓你隨意補償。

串接方式cascode 原理貼在頁首。
據知 3極管串接之後,相當於一支綜合管,近於5極管。
一般 cascode是當電壓放大,用OPT輸出變壓器來當功率放大,不知道如何?

網站上有 Tung Sol管5687的詳細資料


手上一台 Colin的 5687直交機,聲音是很漂亮,高音沒有不滿。
我要是做台 Cascode 5687,應該可以當做參考機。
下圖是Colin機的架構線路,我參考 Tung Sol參數,推算一下。
綠色是  8 Ohms impedance,  藍色是 32 Ohms impedance
Rl/rp= 5k/2.3k=2.17, 32/8 Ohms 電壓放大倍數=1.31合乎上面的推算。


輸入 V1管,工作屏壓 120 V, 偏壓設定 3.7 V, 是因為放大倍數隻有 3,工作屏壓、偏壓太低的話,會在 Class-A2,有正偏壓,柵極電流工作,雖然 5687應該也可以應付 A2。

上管V2工作 200 V, 20 mA, 屏熱耗=200V*20= 4 W, 加上 120 V* 20=2.4 W, 雙屏一起工作,應該不會超過 2*3.75=7.5W的上限。
V2由柵極交連的信號擺幅在  +/- 8.5 V, 以合乎Class-A1的條件。超過的話,Class-A2 出 力會比 1 W大。

32R impedance 2.64*2.64/4= 1.74= 75%  over  超過了 8R impedanc  補過頭了。

Cascoe 8.4  dB 跟 Colin 2.4 dB 相比,多出 6 dB,聽覺上  理當可以分別了。

如果以綜合管composite tube 參數 u-c=u*(u+1)= 17*18.5=315, rp-c=(u+2)*rp= 41k 計算
V.G.-composite = 315*o.04*5k/(5+41)k= 1.37 跟 1.4也近似。

缺點是 靈敏度低了, 需要 2 V-rms per W ,B+需要 高出 40 V。
