2010年2月28日 星期日

Festival of Lanterns元宵節

We had earthquake this morning Richter-scale 6.4 in Kaohsiung, near Tainan.
You can do nothing on such natural disaster except to seal the mouths of these furious  tigers.
The question is : Who will do it?
I either hooked the tiger or stitched her mouth.
Hope it will help.
Any suggested option?

The lantern show, as part of festival of lanterns; started yesterday evening at Taipei city.

We had the chance to  tour in the crowded Ren-I road, along the section no. 4 which stretchs for more than 1000 meters  long.

Here are some pictures I took on the first day. The show will be ended within 2 weeks.

The strung islands dividing the road into 4 tracks are fully decorated with lights.

The lights are not neon lights but the high tech LED threaded ones.

 Canada,  maple

 Greece, olive

 Holland, tulip, windmill

 Japan, cherry, castle, Fuji   mountain

 South Korea, rose of Sharon

 USA, rose


 Palau 帛琉 , but not Bangladash as corrected by my grandson, at age  of 8




 What means by POWER IN ME as it is shown at the end of  road leading to Taipei city halls ?

POWER is well known to me in electricity, but to whom the ME is referring is difficult  to my understanding.

Perhaps this is a kind of puzzles waiting for cracking, but  in a new fashion.

In traditional festival of lanterns, another activity is the so called 燈謎 lantern puzzles, literally translated, or called射虎hunting tigers. The puzzles are usually written on a piece of paper and hung below the candle-lighted lanterns.  One who cracked the puzzle will receive a small prize as fun.

The lantern show is holding in the open ground which occupies a complete block between two main roads,  with a huge building Dr. Sun Yet-Sen  Memorial Hall in the field.

Standing at both sides of the entrance are this 4-meters high lantern of India shown above. 

In front of  the hall stands another not so elegant one offered by city Mayor.

 Macau are taking the advantage to promote their sight-seeing or gambling. It is a model of two stories high.

 Two drumming tigers are working hard in collecting money and in-feeding treasures as the composite character posted in between shown.

 This flying tiger looks furious when the mouth is open and teeth exposed.

According to tradition, the tiger of  lantern shall keep mouth closed otherwise some kind of disaster is inevitable. Although the expert warned in advance some days ago after finding this mistake done by modern artist,  it is never taken into account, but considered as superstition.

 I like this smiling tiger with orchid flowers.

All such lanterns are constructed on a plate form with the figures higher than one meter up to several meters.

All of them are sponsored by some private enterprises or  schools.

My grandson is  Spongebob fan海綿寶寶迷.

I have no idea what these figures actually are playing, but it looks that bob is in anger.

A woman vendor was selling the balloons with different  figures.

My grandson had two balloons, in figures of bob and star-fish with big belly.

We enjoyed this festival .

2010年2月24日 星期三



Multi 5687 SE amplifier           by Stein  Feb. 18, 2010



庫存還有一對拆下來One Electron 美國的output transformer高音也很好。


Colin 5687單端機單屏1 watt出力,我diy8屏,出力也許會有8w,那才叫做 唬唬生風,5687<偶又發機>了。

1. 高頻跟米樂電容Miller capacitance:


我要是有電子魔眼,站在輸入端子,一頭看進5678柵極,就會有一個所謂Miller電容,這是柵極、屏極之間的電容Cg-p,因為放大A倍數的作用,膨脹為A*C-g-p,再加上本身的Cg-p,等於Miller capacitance (A+1)*Cg-p, 還看到Cg-k(C-in), Cg-p(c-out),  配線潛佈電容C-stray。這些電容可以看做併聯接地。

另一頭看輸入訊源,有音量Volume 可調電阻Pr(一般100k),還有前級輸出的內阻(個位數的電阻可以忽視),當作R-out

如上圖,形成一個低頻過濾器Low pass filter

隨著頻率F提高,訊號流失下地的越多,當R-out等同於電容抗時,這個頻率叫 F-cut-off -3db,算式


5687單屏的電容依上圖,方便起見,算做76+1490 pF

R-out最壞、最大的情況是當Pr轉到中點,兩頭50k併聯,得到 25k

如上圖紅色算計得到 F-3db=70kHz


按照Mr. Morgan Jones計算F-3db= 131kHz時,20kHz衰減 -0.1db

日本 黑川達夫 diy 26 amplifier,每台有測試報告。我查了單端機,沒有feedback的性能,F-3db一般在70kHz上下,少數到達100kHz以上,但這是整體含輸出變壓器的。

20k Hz的一個8度音程是40kHz, 兩個8度是80kHz, 38度是160kHz

所以說 70kHz只能說是勉強及格而已,最好有150kHz以上。

這也就是Colin一向主張Pr要小,用50KB 併聯30k,約相當於 R-out=50/430k=9k的道理。這樣 F-3db=196kHz

如果8屏併聯,要達到 F-3db=150kHz,  R-out需要低於 1/6.28*150k*8*90pF=1.5kr


2.    輸出功率:

Amplificaton factor不大受plate milliamp的影響, Eb工作屏壓影響稍大。最受屏流影響的是transconductance 互導 及 plate resistance屏阻,特別是屏流低於15ma時候,屏阻急速上升,要避開。


按照T.S.3 class A1工作例,如上表列屏壓120, 180, 250 V。

最大的250 V*12 ma = 3000 m W還沒有用到上限,

到頂是250 V*15 ma = 3750 mW.

輸出變壓器接1.6k/8r反映到每屏負載是 1.6k*8=12.8k, 在上圖裡劃上綠色線(平行320v/ 25m a=12.8k。也可以把plate milliampers8,劃上1.6kr負載線)。





Ec最大擺幅0-24 V下,Ep/Ip分別是 70V/30ma—390V/4ma

P=(390-70)*(30-4)/8=1040 mw 每屏 8屏有8W

另一種算法:(12/1.41) Vrms *14(V.G of 5687)*0.07(V.G. of output trans)= 8.34 Vrms@ OPT

8屏有8.34*8.;34/8=8.7 W


如果以T.S.第二例 180 V, -7 V, 23 m a計算

7/1.41*14*0.07=4.87 Vrms,   4.87*4.87/8= 3W  8屏只有3W


5687換用7119也可以,放大倍數高24/18=1.3, 整體提高1.331.331.78倍=+5 db、會更嗆。也許要調一下Pr2.,降低偏壓值,補升屏流。


4. 驅動級:


最方便是一律用5687,工作在90V, Ec= -2V .Ip= 20 m a, 放大13倍,輸出阻抗 1.5k.



輸入靈敏度全8W輸出時需要0.68 Vrms12.5V/1.41/13),因此Ec= -2 V -1.4 Vrms已經有足夠超載的空間了。整體放大13倍=22 db,勉強夠用。



200V B+採用Zenner穩壓,驅動級工作點固定好,則功率級的偏壓可以調整Pr2到需要的電流。

全機95687燈絲串接110 VAC/9 = 12.2 V還在12.6 V誤差之內。最好是整流後,調到12.6*9=113 VDC 這樣省下燈絲加熱變壓器。

LED改用正統的RC,可以測每屏的電流。R=10r, 1ma=10mv,  要是R再大,會增大內阻,有助於高互導管5687的安定。好壞難說。用RC則配置太繁雜了。


如果驅動級用417A取代5687,整體放大倍數29 db最恰當。

之前用 417A直交2A3總覺得倍數稍嫌不夠。

8*5687+ 2* 417A燈絲串連照樣可以,只要417A並個82R, 吃掉多的0.15A



實作的話,雙電源較費事。需要隔離變壓器110/220V兩隻。一隻B+電流300ma不小。還要4個大電流的choke, 一個小電流choke。整體機重近乎 20公斤


6. 8*5842:



因為我有現成的一台"發久久"單端機用8支JJ的ECC99 上頭還有兩個8腳插座給6V6。
原來是兩支整流管,因為電源變壓器5V燒了,我改成diode 整流,改名」發不久」機。

2010年2月14日 星期日



燈絲加熱一定是整直流。買現成的voltaage regulator 12VDC可以精確調到12.6V。
B+來自Hammond power transformer 先橋diodes整流,經過C-R-C-L濾波,由6BM8三極五極管 做 誤差放大、回輸串流電壓調整,擁有三大功能:
  1. 穩壓,實測交流市電變化8%時,B+變化在1%。
  2. 降低B+供電的內阻。
  3. B+有緩慢啟動的效果,約有60秒以上的緩衝時間。
12A7跟417A第一二放大管的B+供電233V再經過 C-R-C濾波。
擔心的是Hammond Choke額定 400VDC已經超載,開機時還有超過500V的短暫高壓。壽命如何不知道。

架構沿用 沒完沒了機,變壓器輸出,不用 新生機的電容輸出。這是聽從 Dewen金耳朵的意見,不用電容輸出。木耳可以確定的是用輸出變壓器的哼聲比電容的小。

RCA輸入端子只有一對。MM-MC由指撥開關切換,變換負載值為 470R──51k,
靈敏度變換為 0.3 mV跟 1.2 mV。MMMC位置有LED 紅、綠燈指示。

12AT7做SRPP放大,輸出取自陰極,降低輸出阻抗到 1.6k.

RIAA補償線路、數值取自網路 KAB passive RIAA network computer
R1由上次、沒完沒了機、的33k降低為22k,可以配合現成的C1, C2數值,不必修正補償小電容容。

兩側12AT7, 中間417A.



主要另件。除了voltage regulator, Hammond Interstage transformer, chokes,小濾波電容 拆自舊機之外,是新品。
輸出變壓器準備兩套, Hammond interstage 90k/10k N=3
跟Colon的interstage 20k/5k, N=2

機殼是Hammond鐵盒子,150*335*50 mm.  這是老早就準備好的,之前用元山牌機殼做了三個機種,是因為容易加工打孔,遷就的結果是嚴重的麥克風效應。

這made in China的陶瓷管座不錯,很緊,不會有made in USA的New Old Stock有 牙週病。

Colin的 輸出變壓器排除出局,不是一山不容二虎,實在是空間太小,容不下。空出來的地盤,給了6BM8.


放大倍數太夠了。接71A-Philips RH 532只要轉一個鐘點就夠了。接71A-耳機只要轉兩個鐘頭也夠了。